

作者:小末 时间:2023-07-25 00:50:25 阅读:473 评论:0

影响流程变革成败的四个关键因素是什么?根据麦肯锡的调查结果显示,全球管理变革项目的成功率只有30%,国际上流程变革的成功率也不到 30%。为什么变革的成功率这么低?我们应该如何控制变革的风险,提升变革的成功率呢?













What are the four key factors that affect the success or failure of process change">

The first key factor affecting process change is change perception

Change awareness of the first critical factor affecting process change. When an organization starts a change, if there is no consensus for change, then the whole change will not have a mass foundation, that is, there is no adequate preparation for change, then the change will easily become a mysterious person, locked in a mysterious office, and finally produce a mysterious plan. When it came to implementation, there was widespread opposition to him.

The second key factor affecting process change is the change strategy.

The second key factor affecting process change is the change strategy. The risk of change is magnified if the organization lacks a strategy for change. Enterprises are in different stages of development, as well as the environment, resources, capabilities and supporting mechanisms of internal change are very different. Therefore, more flexible strategies are needed to control the risk of change. If companies become too aggressive, there will be strong resistance to change, and even organizational chaos, leading to the failure of change. Therefore, an enterprise should adopt a more flexible change strategy to control the risk of change.

The third key factor affecting process change is the ability to change.

The third key factor affecting process change is the ability to change. If the change lacks methods and tools, there will be no quality of the change program and the effect of the implementation. So organizations need to be empowered to change. Some companies look at the development process too simple, thinking that a few people will compile the process document, everyone will sign after the release, the results found that there is no effect. Some companies say they can take three months to get their processes in place. This shows that people lack a deeper understanding of process construction and underestimate the difficulty and complexity of process construction.

The fourth key factor affecting process change is the change mechanism.

The fourth key factor affecting process change is the change mechanism. Without a change mechanism, the change will not be sustainable and will easily become a movement change. Therefore, the change of an enterprise needs to decompose the responsibility for the change, guarantee the resources for the change, establish the change system and process, and construct the corresponding incentive mechanism for the change. Next, I will give you a share around these four key factors.








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